July 26, 2024

How to Support Children’s Education with Jewish Charities

Close Up of a Child’s Face

One of the most critical missions we face today is the education of future generations of Israel’s children.  Colel Chabad has taken on this challenge for centuries and is here with a reminder of charitable giving to the world. Incorporating Tzedakah into our daily lives is an essential tenet of our faith. Donating to a non-profit charity organization through online donations fulfills this and makes a real impact on many children’s futures.

Educational Challenges Facing Children Today 

Every child in Israel should be able to reach their full potential. Yet because of their parent’s financial hardships, many struggle to get the necessary educational resources and support services. In particular, children of single mothers often don’t have their basic needs met, whether it is nutrition, security, or shelter. In addition to their education, they also require emotional support, guidance, and assistance with homework and tutoring outside of school hours.  

How to Help Charities that Support Children’s Education 

If you would like to make a difference in the lives of Israel’s children, one of the most impactful ways to do that is to donate to a Jewish charity. A non-profit organization like Colel Chabad can help on your behalf and make your donation go to where it’s needed most. 

Colel Chabad Charitable Actions

Colel Chabad’s story began over 230 years ago, making it the oldest continuously operating Tzedakah network in Israel. For centuries, we have been committed to providing assistance to children in need, whether they are poor, orphaned, or have a widowed parent. If you are interested in making a donation, Colel Chabad has a special range of initiatives designed to help both children and their families thrive. 

After-School Programs for At-Risk Children

When the school day ends, Colel Chabad’s assistance begins for at-risk children. Our three dedicated after-school programs provide kids with a hot meal, tutoring, enrichment activities, and homework assistance. At 7 pm, each child is personally escorted home and given a prepared breakfast to ensure a healthy, nutritious start to the next day. 

Day Care Centers

For many struggling single or widowed mothers, having reliable and trustworthy childcare is essential so they can work to provide for their families. In response, Colel Chabad has established The Larissa Blavatnik Network of Daycare Centers. Our network of daycare centers in 16 locations serves almost 1000 children, enabling hard-working mothers peace of mind knowing their children are looked after during the workday. 

Big Brother/Big Sister Program

Designed to offer life-altering guidance to at-risk children, Colel Chabad’s Big Brother/Big Sister program provides support and connection for kids with established members of the community. This unique Jewish charity program pairs mentors with disadvantaged youth to form a lasting bond. With the help of their mentors, participants are able to grow academically and emotionally. 

Make a Difference in the Lives of Israeli Children 

Children’s educational charities are one of the most worthy causes you can dedicate your Tzedakah to. Remember, as the Talmud says, Charity is equal in importance to all other commandments combined. 

Join Colel Chabad in our plight to give the gift of education to the children of Israel who need it.


Yizkor Donation

בַּעֲבוּר שֶׁבְּלִי נֶדֶר אֶתֵּן צְדָקָה