July 24, 2024

The Torah places special emphasis on widows and orphans.

Which is why they are our #1 priority

Mass Bar & Bat Mitzvah for Orphans

Just like everyone else, orphaned children deserve the opportunity to experience the right of passage that all Jews have—the honor of becoming a Bar/Bat Mitzvah.

Unfortunately, many orphans miss out on this crucial coming-of-age ritual due to their circumstances.

Fortunately for them, organizations like Colel Chabad have been working to ensure all Jewish children, regardless of their backgrounds and circumstances, can experience the joys of growth through Mass Bar/Bat Mitzvah initiatives.

What a Chabad Bar Mitzvah/Chabad Bat Mitzvah Looks Like

Our Jewish charity sponsors a mass Bar/Bat Mitzvah every year for orphans who have lost a father or mother. Each of these events is, in fact, a multitude of intimate Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebrations for hundreds of children and their loved ones.

At the culminating ceremony, each Bar Mitzvah boy receives a new pair of Tefillin, and each Bat Mitzvah girl is presented with a beautiful Bat Mitzvah gift. Following the ceremony, a joyous full-course banquet with live music and dancing takes place, with the participation of their families and close friends. 

Professional photographers are on hand to create a dedicated souvenir album for each child. They are also honored by the presence of prominent rabbinic and civic leaders who bring greetings, blessings, and the love of the entire nation.

What We’ve Accomplished

No Israel charities take as holistic an approach to the needs of widows and orphans as Colel Chabad. Of course, with Chabad charity, food security comes first and foremost. But food is rarely the only problem to tackle. 

While many Israeli charitable organizations start and stop with the basic necessities, we strive to go further by providing orphans with the social connections and resources they need to thrive. 

Colel Chabad’s charitable programs have helped tens of thousands of widows and orphans share in the miracle of modern Israel. Cases are handled case-by-case, with care and respect reserved for all.

How Your Bar Mitzvah Donation Will Make an Impact

Colel Chabad doesn’t just seek to exceed the impact of other Israel charity organizations – we also aim to further heighten the standards we’ve set over our decades of work. 

There is so much more we can do as a Jewish organization, both in assisting widowed families and providing support to children themselves. The costs of psychotherapy, music lessons, and summer camp are very high, and there is little or no volume discount. 

We need your help to deliver these vital charity organization programs to Israel’s most vulnerable children.

Contribute to Our Israeli Charity Initiatives

There are plenty of Jewish organizations to donate to today, but none compare to Colel Chabad. As one of the oldest Jewish charities in Israel, our non-profit fundraising efforts, Chabad donation, Tzedakah donation, and chesed programs make the biggest impact on Jews across the board. 

Not only can you donate to the poor in Israel through us, but also support a wealth of additional marginalized groups who need just as much compassion. At our core, we are a charity for Israel and its people.

Donate to Israel by committing to donations to Colel Chabad today.

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Yizkor Donation

בַּעֲבוּר שֶׁבְּלִי נֶדֶר אֶתֵּן צְדָקָה