July 24, 2024

Nutrition is our number one priority.

Because no child, no senior citizen, no new immigrant, no man or woman who is down on their luck should ever go hungry.

United Soup Kitchens

The concept of Chabad charity is to help those less fortunate than ourselves by assisting with food, clothing, and other necessities.

Many Jews donate to Israeli charities to fulfill this duty to do good and share blessings with the less fortunate. Colel Chabad is among the best Jewish organizations to donate to when you want to make a tangible difference in the community at large. Our soup kitchens and nutrition security programs provide essential meals to those in need.

Colel Chabad Soup Kitchens

United Soup Kitchens is a network of 22 free restaurants located throughout Jerusalem – and at the very heart and soul of Colel Chabad’s food operations in Israel. We diligently serve thousands of needy Jews with nutritious, hearty meals throughout every month of the year. 

Poverty and hunger do not take vacation days, and neither do we!

No United Soup Kitchens in Israel have cash registers or tills. Non-profit fundraising initiatives and online donations support our efforts entirely. Every penny counts, and no donation is too small. Just $3.60 is enough to provide anyone from a Holocaust survivor to a small child with a plate of food.

When patrons come to Jewish charity organizations like ours, they know they will receive basic sustenance. This includes food, clothing, help with medical care, and emotional support. We strive to ensure our community members feel welcomed in a kind atmosphere of unconditional acceptance.

As Israel’s largest network of free dining establishments, United Soup Kitchens serves over a million meals annually both on-premises and through a sophisticated ‘Meals-on-Wheels’ program for those who are unable or too proud to show up in person. 

Although questions are never asked, regular guests are sensitively approached by a Colel Chabad social worker to see if they need any additional help.

Soup Kitchen Donations and Volunteers Make Nutrition Security Possible

Colel Chabad’s nutrition security has become the soup kitchen Jerusalemites depend on for food and the joy of companionship and community.

We are fortunate to have wonderful volunteers who help serve meals with compassion and respect, as well as devoted donors who fund this critical humanitarian work. Among the best charities to support Israel, there’s no doubt that when you donate to Jewish charities like Colel Chabad, you’re helping feed the hungry and lift those in need.

Tens of Jewish Charity-Run Soup Kitchens Across Israel

Colel Chabad is one of few Jewish charities in Israel to operate on as comprehensive a level as it does. We offer expanded food distribution programs for the most vulnerable populations and have established soup kitchens throughout Israel.

Soup Kitchen locations:

  • Arad 
  • Ashdod 
  • Ashkelon 
  • Bait V’Gan 
  • Be’er Sheva 
  • Beit Shemesh 
  • Dimona 
  • Holon 
  • Jerusalem 
  • Lod 
  • Ramla 
  • Tzfat 
  • Yerucham

Donate to Israel By Donating to Colel Chabad

There are many ways to donate to the poor in Israel. If you’re looking for a genuinely impactful means of making a difference, Colel Chabad’s United Soup Kitchens is an easy choice.

Acts of Chabad donation and tzedakah from people like you help fund our soup kitchens year-round. There’s never been a better time to give than now. Start today!

Stay Informed

See how you and Colel Chabad are making a difference.

Yizkor Donation

בַּעֲבוּר שֶׁבְּלִי נֶדֶר אֶתֵּן צְדָקָה