July 25, 2024

A new country.
A new language.
It is easy to feel totally lost.

Immigrant Program & The Blavatnik Absorption Center

Transitioning to a new country can be a formidable challenge for older individuals coming from the former Soviet Union. The language barriers alone seem insurmountable, while the traditional challenges of finding employment and suitable housing only further compound how difficult it can be to get stable footing.

About the Blavatnik Absorption Center

A one-of-a-kind immigrant program run by one of the oldest Jewish charities in Israel, the Blavatnik Absorption Center operates day and night to support newcomers as they transition to a life abroad from their homeland. 

This program is a key part of our work in giving back to the Jewish community – specifically targeted towards Russian-speaking Jews.

Colel Chabad’s Blavatnik Absorption Center in central Jerusalem meets the needs of immigrants through a host of essential charitable services, including: 

  • Job counseling
  • Senior programs
  • Lending library
  • Evening school


The ultimate goal of it all is to help facilitate Jewish immigrants’ integration with their local community.

Absorption Matters to Israel Charities Like Ours

Absorption is a critical aspect of the immigrant program, as it’s what effectively determines how well an individual will be able to assimilate and sustain themselves in an unfamiliar environment. 

Unfortunately, many immigrants struggle to access the resources they need to make this possible. Elderly people in particular find themselves at an increased risk of social and financial isolation.

Colel Chabad’s Blavatnik Absorption Center ensures no one is left behind in the absorption process: everyone receives support regardless of age or gender. Each person who visits us is given a personal support plan that takes into account their individual needs. This allows us to provide tailored solutions and resources for each person’s unique situation. 

Day or night, people know they can count on Colel Chabad for comprehensive support.

How Colel Chabad’s Immigrant Program Makes a Lasting Difference

From employment and housing advice to free hot lunches and bilingual language programs, the Blavatnik Absorption Center acts as a lifeline to those who wouldn’t otherwise know where to go.

We believe by empowering immigrants to create a better future, we’re not just helping individuals—we’re acting as a charity for Israel at large. In turn, this prevents people from slipping through the cracks and ensures everyone can get the help they need. The non-profit and fundraising dollars Colel Chabad collects today ensures there’s less of a need to donate to poor in Israel tomorrow.

Among the who’s who when it comes to Jewish organizations to donate to, Colel Chabad is one of the best charities to support Israel through in a meaningful way. Our charitable programs have a wide-reaching impact both across the country and around the world…and this is all thanks to generous people like you. 

Donate Now to Jewish Charities in Israel for Immigrants

Acts of Chabad donation are what allow us to make a difference. Help us support new Jews in Israel with the absorption programs they need to thrive. Donate online to Colel Chabad charity efforts today. 

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בַּעֲבוּר שֶׁבְּלִי נֶדֶר אֶתֵּן צְדָקָה