July 24, 2024

Household Groceries

Nutrition Initiative Logos

Food security is any person’s first step out of poverty. Before we can apply for jobs, pursue studies, or grow families, our bodies need adequate nutrition. Donate to the poor in Israel, or anywhere else for that matter, and the first place they’ll likely spend that money is at the grocery store.

Since its inception in 1788, Colel Chabad’s priority has been supporting nutrition security in the Jewish community. Many of our neighbors, coworkers, and even friends face the prospect of going to bed hungry regularly; together, we believe that acts of charity can uplift people from all walks of life so they can live with dignity and health.

Colel Chabad Stands at the Forefront of Food Security In Israel

Prime among many Israel charity organizations with a history of making an impact, Colel Chabad engages in a wealth of charitable government programs designed to tackle local food security challenges head-on.

The Blavatnik Food Bank

The Blavatnik Food Bank is the central repository for all our nutrition security initiatives. Operating year-round, this 20,000-square-foot facility delivers monthly food crates to some 8,500 of Israel’s neediest families.

The Colel Chabad Eshel Credit Card

While we make a great effort to keep the Blavatnik food bank supplied with everything the average household could need, we also understand that some families and individuals may have specific requirements when it comes to the groceries they bring home. 26,130 additional households use the Colel Chabad Eshel credit card to shop freely at major supermarkets.

Colel Chabad Holiday Shopping Vouchers

Come Rosh Hashanah and Passover, more than 20,000 Israeli families receive food and household supplies courtesy of Colel Chabad. Colel Chabad Holiday Shopping Vouchers further empower them to shop for food and clothing during the holiday season.

Free Public Passover Seders

Hosted in dozens of locations throughout Israel, thousands of individuals attend Colel Chabad’s free public Passover Seders every year. These seders provide nutrition security and a joyous opportunity to celebrate for those who might otherwise be left alone and forgotten.

Beit Kanster

Colel Chabad’s Beit Kanster food security program delivers nutritious meals to the most vulnerable populations of Jews, including impoverished households, underprivileged school children, and daycare centers in need.

Acts of Charity for Israel’s Neediest Communities

All beneficiary households of our programs are screened and audited by local municipalities based on need – local governments cover 20% of costs, while Colel Chabad makes up the remaining 80% through fundraising efforts and online donations.

Communities served:

  • Elad
  • Ariel
  • Baqa Al Gharbiya
  • Beer Sheva
  • Dimona
  • Gilboa
  • Hatzor Haglilit
  • Yavna
  • Yerucham
  • Kfar Manda
  • Karmiel
  • Lachish
  • Migdal Haemek
  • Ma’alot-Tarshiha
  • Nahariya
  • Netivot
  • Isfiya
  • Afula
  • Safed
  • Kiryat Yam
  • Kiryat Malachi
  • Rahat
  • Ramla
  • Sderot

Donations to Israel Charity Organizations Can Make a Difference

If you’ve been searching for Jewish organizations to donate to, rest assured that there’s no better group to support than Colel Chabad. Our Israeli charity has a centuries-long history of administering critical non-profit services to Israeli families facing challenges with nutrition security, soup kitchen access, home heating, childcare, and so much more.

But we’ve never been able to do it alone.

By contributing to our organization in any way, you are helping us continue our meaningful work of assisting those in need. Making acts of charity for Israel has never been easier. Get started by filling out our form for online donations today.

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בַּעֲבוּר שֶׁבְּלִי נֶדֶר אֶתֵּן צְדָקָה