July 24, 2024

Colel Chabad is the chief driver of Israel's National Food Security Initiative

a program that impacts on the lives of thousands households seeking to emerge from the cycle of poverty.

Israel's National Food Security Initiative

Nutrition Initiative Logos

You’ll see a variety of programs and initiatives when searching for Jewish organizations to donate to online. And while even our Jewish organization has separate initiatives, the importance of nutrition security can’t be overstated. 

Nutritional independence is a crucial factor in escaping the clutches of poverty and remaining free from it long term. Colel Chabad’s Israel food charity and fundraising efforts are meant to provide Jews in need with ongoing, reliable support in this domain.

Why Providing Israel Food Security Is Our First Priority

The intent behind Colel Chabad’s Food Security Initiative isn’t to simply monetarily donate to the poor in Israel – although that’s something we also do. It’s to provide vulnerable individuals with the jump-start they need to break free from chronic dependency and live a healthy, fulfilled life.

As a leader among Israeli charitable organizations, Colel Chabad has had the privilege of playing a prominent role in Israel’s National Food Security Initiative. Through its work in nutritional independence, our Jewish charity is proud to say it has made a meaningful impact on Jews across the region.

How Colel Chabad’s Non-Profit Food Security Initiative Works

Serving 26,130 families across 239 municipalities every month, Colel Chabad’s food security initiative provides needy individuals and families with monthly deliveries of fresh fruits and vegetables, dry goods such as rice, beans, lentils, and peas, as well as Food Cards for use in local supermarkets.

We also offer free education on home management and fiscal responsibility. By emphasizing the importance of budgeting and making sound financial decisions, we empower individuals to rise out of poverty and achieve economic self-sufficiency.

The following is a true -and not atypical- story about a woman who received aid from Colel Chabad. When she was first handed a debit card for essential food purchases, she expressed a wish to open a sweet dessert business:

We set her up with a Colel Chabad employment coordinator who helped her design a business card with which to market her talents and support her family. This woman began to find work preparing beautiful and delicious pralines and desserts. She is now well on her way to full economic independence. And all this because Colel Chabad was prepared to invest in someone at a time when they needed that vote of confidence.

Israel's National Food Security Initiative
Israel's National Food Security Initiative

Why We’re Among the Best Charities to Support Israel’s Food Security Through

As a charity for Israel and its people, Colel Chabad strives to make a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals of all backgrounds. We set the example for other purpose-driven Israel charity organizations with an end-to-end method of delivering nutrition security.

Colel Chabad transformed the way food security is provided in full partnership with Israel’s government by being:


Our social workers work within municipalities to seek out and provide assistance to the neediest of the needy.


Our year-round support extends beyond just the holidays, with ongoing distributions of food baskets and other resources as needed.


Clear eligibility requirements regardless of background, political, or religious affiliation.


Magnetic food cards and home deliveries ensure the dignity of those in need.


Colel Chabad’s program can be duplicated in any city, town, or municipality.


Everything we do is centrally managed and connected to a single system.

Do You Donate to Israeli Charities? Now Is a Great Time to Start.

Acts of Chabad donation and Tzedakah donation can make a real difference in the lives of vulnerable people.

When you donate to an Israeli charity like Colel Chabad, your contribution will be helping those in need today and creating a sustainable model for future generations.

We believe that by providing Israel with food security, we’re investing in the Jewish community at large. Join us in making a difference by donating today.

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בַּעֲבוּר שֶׁבְּלִי נֶדֶר אֶתֵּן צְדָקָה