October 8, 2024

Dental care,
degenerative diseases
chronic care --

Colel Chabad fills the gaps for Israel's poor.

Medical Services

From dental care to medical care for chronic and degenerative diseases, Colel Chabad fills the gaps for Israel’s poor.

Israel offers outstanding medical care to all its citizens, including coverage for essential services like primary care visits and hospital stays through the government-run Health Basket program. Dental care, however, is not afforded to everyone. Getting reliable oral care is a matter of finances and insurance. Households without a stable footing must pay the expenses on their own, often resulting in the decision to go without important treatments altogether.

Likewise, victims of Multiple Sclerosis and other degenerative illnesses have no dedicated in/outpatient healthcare services. The burden of care and treatment rests on these individuals and their families, who can only hope they can access the necessary resources.

Colel Chabad Medical Services at a Glance

As a charity for Israel, Colel Chabad is heavily invested in bolstering access to medical and dental care and specialized services for those with degenerative illnesses across the nation. We aim to ensure that everyone in Israel can receive the healthcare they need, regardless of financial status or insurance coverage.

Dentist Providing Dental Treatment to Patient

Dental Clinics

Colel Chabad’s nine dental clinics empower thousands of impoverished and near-impoverished Israelis to receive cutting-edge dental care at deeply subsidized prices.

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Person with Multiple Sclerosis at the Colel Chabad MS Rehabilitation Center

The Finger Residence Hall

Colel Chabad’s Finger MS Center in Jerusalem is at the global forefront of therapy and rehabilitation for victims of Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebral Palsy, and other degenerative neurological disorders.

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Grabski Medical Center

Grabski Medical Center

Colel Chabad’s Grabski Medical Center in Safed is a full-service medical clinic offering primary care support to families in one of Israel’s poorest cities. Our center’s pediatric wing serves the area’s large juvenile population.

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How Colel Chabad Medical Services Make an Impact

Colel Chabad has made major strides in pioneering medical care for the poor and chronically ill. Together, we’ve served thousands of individuals from all walks of life and ages. Our multiple facilities are currently relied on by Jews in countless local communities, many of whom would otherwise go without the critical treatment they need to live and actively participate in everyday society.

But at the same time, there is still much more to do. Operating facilities like the Grabski Medical Center and Finger Center requires a large financial commitment. Our staff of dedicated volunteers work around the clock to ensure that those in need receive quality and timely medical attention, but they cannot do it alone.

That’s why we’re constantly looking for donations from people like you. Fundraising is essential to purchasing medical equipment, hiring qualified and experienced doctors or nurses, and providing medications and treatments to those who need them most. And as community challenges evolve, our medical centers need to as well.

Don’t Wait to Donate to Israeli Charities In Need of Support

Right now, Colel Chabad needs online donations to complete a new MS Center. Located in the heart of Jerusalem, this will be the only facility of its kind – solely dedicated to patients suffering from MS and other neuro-muscular degenerative diseases. Dedication opportunities are available. 

There is no better way to meaningfully help the poor in Israel than by supporting Colel Chabad medical services. Donate today.

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בַּעֲבוּר שֶׁבְּלִי נֶדֶר אֶתֵּן צְדָקָה