July 27, 2024

How to Help Jewish Charities that Support Healthcare

Woman and Young Child at a Hospital Smiling with Toys All Around

Giving charity to the poor is a central tenet of Judaism and one of the most fulfilling actions we can take as people of the faith. 

While Israel has a reputation for providing superlative medical care to its citizens in top-notch medical facilities across the nation, there are still financial challenges making services unavailable to some. This is why it’s critical to direct Tzedakah giving towards Jewish charities that support healthcare.

Israel’s Healthcare Challenges

Israel offers every citizen essential medical care through the government-run Health Basket program. However, for those requiring dental care, or needing inpatient/outpatient care for degenerative diseases that do not have dedicated services, it can force them to rely on extra insurance. 

Many of our people end up falling short financially and incurring hardship. This is where charities play a role in bolstering coverage and medical services for those in need. 

Jewish Charity: Support Healthcare for those in Need 

One of the best ways to aid those who need extra medical assistance is by donating to a Jewish charity that can help others on your behalf. If you are searching for ways to incorporate Tzedakah into your daily life as a regular practice, making a donation to healthcare charities can fulfill a part of this. A non-profit organization can connect those who are struggling to obtain care with the right services. 

Colel Chabad’s Programs

Founded by Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, Colel Chabad’s history has been shaped by a long line of rebbes dedicated to helping others. Since 1788, our mission has always been to alleviate poverty and be united in faith. We have evolved with the changing times to address the most pressing needs of our people. Whether it’s providing access to lifesaving medical services, food security, and more, we will continue to be a beacon of hope for those in peril. 

Dental Clinics

For those in poverty, dental care can be an unobtainable luxury. This is why Colel Chabad has established nine dental clinics to provide essential oral health care and education. These clinics offer both remedial and preventive treatments for individuals, youth, and families.  

Grabski Medical Center

Because of the complex and progressive nature of multiple sclerosis, obtaining the right treatment for this degenerative disease can be beyond the financial means of many people. It is often hard to find, which is why Colel Chabad founded the Grabski Medical Center to offer specialized medical services to Israelis in need. Located in one of the country’s poorest cities, it provides a wide range of services from primary care to cardiology for its patients. 

Beis Finger MS Residence & Rehabilitation Center

Colel Chabad’s Multiple Sclerosis Center was established to give support and relief to those suffering from MS. This technologically advanced facility offers extensive services from medical to therapeutic, as well as basic needs like laundry and food. The beautiful campus and gardens offer respite and a healing environment to both patients and their families alike. 

Make an Impact and Give Generously to Jewish Charities 

As Jews, it is the acts of loving-kindness that define us as people and one of the most significant acts we can do is give to charity. At Colel Chabad, we rely on generous donations to keep administering services to those who need extra assistance for degenerative diseases, chronic conditions, and dental care. 

The best way to donate to Jewish charities, no matter how big or small, is to find organizations who put charity first to truly make a difference.

Join Colel Chabad in making a difference.


Yizkor Donation

בַּעֲבוּר שֶׁבְּלִי נֶדֶר אֶתֵּן צְדָקָה