July 24, 2024


Colel Chabad is part of Israel’s emergency response team. We are your ambassador of chesed on the front line. Our responsibility is to deliver tens of thousands of cooked meals to frightened families in shelters. From the first hours, all wheels were moving, turning out meals as fast as possible.

What can we deliver on your behalf?


General Updates


Tuesday, Mar 19

 few weeks ago, a high school in Safed was hit by a rocket. Thanks to contributions from Colel Chabad supportes, we’ve been able to build shelters that will provide safety and protection for those high school students.

Wednesday, Mar 6

Pantry Packers volunteers packing Mishloach Manot set to go out on Purim to IDF soldiers and the needy in Israel.

Wednesday, Mar 6

Spread joy this Purim with a click! 🎉 Send a meaningful Purim eCard through Colel Chabad and brighten someone’s day.

Friday, Feb 9

The Get Chesed Project. Check out what we’ve been up to these last months.

Thursday, Feb 8

Aish Detroit volunteers at pantry packers.

Thursday, Feb 8

Colel Chabad volunteers in action. Packing food, distributing Eshel cards, toys, food and warmth.

Wednesday, Feb 7

Beis Finger residents sent warmth with freshly baked cookies and heartfelt letters to our brave IDF soldiers.

Thursday, Feb 1

An unforgettable Bat Mitzvah in Jerusalem brought together sixty orphaned girls, many bereaved in the last 117 days. This is more than just a gathering; it is a moment of solidarity, showing these young women they’re not alone. Through our years of experience, we’ve seen such events forge lifelong friendships, offering support and companionship into adulthood. The event coincided with the 36th Yartzeit of the Rebbetzin, making it even more poignant.

Wednesday, Jan 31

Colel Chabad organized a toy giveaway for soldiers of the Golani Brigade, providing them with toys to bring home to their children as they left Gaza.

Thursday, Jan 24

Colel Chabad will be hosting a gala bas mitzvah party for all the orphan girls who turned 12 this year.

Thursday, Jan 24

The National Food Security Project’s employees gathered for a day of planning, learning, and preparing for the upcoming year. They also worked to form goals for the upcoming year.

The team left strengthened and thanked Colel Chabad for the opportunity.

Thursday, Jan 24, 2:30PM

The Beis Finger cook pulls out all the stops for Tu B’Shevat

Kibbutz Be’eri video

Watch a firsthand account of harrowing events the residents of Kibbutz Be’eri experienced on October 7th. And then hear their tale of heroism and rebuilding.

Thursday, Jan 18, 2:15PM

Colel Chabad brought a pop-up shop made up of donated items to the residents of Ashdod.

Monday, Jan 15, 1:30PM

In honor of Martin Luther King Jr Day, US Ambassador to Israel, Jacob Lew joined us to pack food for families in need, here in Israel!

wednesday, Jan 10, 7:30PM


Tuesday, Dec 12, 4:30PM

Kindling Spirits: A Chanukah Hour of Unity Colel Chabad’s Finger Widows and Orphans Retreat in Jerusalem.

Thursday, Nov 23, 11:45AM

An evening of inspiration and song in honor of Yud Tes Kislev

Kings Theatre, Sun 3 Dec 2023, 6:00 PM

Celebrating the Baal HaTanya’s Day of Liberation, marking his release froma Czarist Russian prison. His commitment to Eretz Yisrael, notably through financial support via Colel Chabad, led to his arrest

Thursday, Nov 16, 11:45AM

Our 12 food distribution centers set up throughout central Israel are wildly successful. We are preparing thousands of meals a day and distributing food cards at a fraction of what they’re worth. Thank you to our generous donors who have made this incredible initiative possible.

Thursday, Nov 16, 10:15AM

The Krug family from Teaneck came to Pantry Packers is Aug 2023. Yaron is the awesome kid with the stickers on his face. For his 8th birthday party recently, he asked his friends not to bring birthday gifts but instead to donate to Toys for Kids in Israel through the Pantry Packers campaign! He raised $250!!! Amazing Job Yaron 🙂 

Monday, Nov 13, 2:30PM

We stand in awe of the relentless dedication displayed by our donors, volunteers, and social workers. Witnessing their unwavering commitment as they continue to amplify our efforts on the ground is truly inspiring. Their extraordinary contributions are the driving force behind the impactful expansion of our work.

Monday, Nov 13, 11:00AM

A unique moment from this year’s Kinus HaShluchim this weekend: it moved me to tears. Over a thousand Shluchim from Israel, who were unable to attend in person and participated in a separate program in Israel. This is a special elite group of those Shluchim. May Hashem protect them.

All Shluchim from across Israel that got the night off to join the program

Monday, Nov 13, 9:00AM

Beit Finger residents sent shorts to the Irone Dome team.

Wednesday, Nov 8, 10:00AM

Our dedicated social workers reached out to the families under our care, one by one. The responses they received are a mosaic of human need and resilience, a testament to the enduring spirit even in the darkest hours. We have compiled a list of the specific requests we received.

Tuesday, Nov 7, 12:00PM

Join the live Zoom update meeting!

Tuesday, Nov 7, 9:00AM

Starting tomorrow, we will be starting a pop-up camp trial program. The children living in the hotels need structure and fun in their lives, and we will be providing just that. In collaboration with Chabad of Eilat, we will be launching this day camp in 4 hotels in Eilat. These hotels are housing those who were most affected by the October 7th attacks.

Monday, Nov 6, 10:00AM

“This day is worth more than a thousand psychological treatments.” here is a short video from the Fun-Day for families from the Gaza Envelope from Thursday.

Friday, Nov 3, 4:30PM

Colel Chabad front line report

Thursday, Nov 2, 4:00PM

One of the most uplifting things a person can do for themselves is to be in Israel now. Here are some moments of my last 36 hrs. L-R, Distribution Center in Jerusalem, Funday for Kids from Gaza Envelope, Mayor and Social Workers of Ofakim, “Pop-up shop” in Vert Hotel, Slager Logistic Center, Meeting with Mayor of Jerusalem.

Wednesday, Nov 1, 3:45PM

7 Israel National News highlighting colel chabad’s work during this critical time

Wednesday, Nov 1, 12:15PM

Clothing distribution to families that have been evacuated

Wednesday, Nov 1, 9:00AM

This upcoming Thursday, Colel Chabad is hosting an event for 1,000 children, modern-day Kindertransport survivors, at a Jerusalem amusement park.

Tuesday, Oct 31, 1:00PM

With the increased demand of Pushkas, highly sought out in these times—Colel Chabad expedited batches of new pushkas, fresh off the press

Monday, Oct 30, 8:00PM

Delivering food cards, microwaves and meals to 6 families from the south

Friday, Oct 26, 4:00PM

Just before Shabbos began in Israel, we received the final numbers of the week of Eshel Cards distributed. Have a great Shabbos and may we only have good news.

Thursday, Oct 26, 4:30PM

Clothing drive for the evacuees of Sderot

Thursday, Oct 26, 2:30PM

Rabbi Efrem Goldberg, senior rabbi of the Boca Raton Synagogue, spent his day volunteering with Colel Chabad. He visited families affected by the war bearing care packages and food deliveries!

Thursday, Oct 26, 12:30PM

Recap from Hazinor

Thursday, Oct 26, 11:00 AM

A young girl who was recently displaced with a big smile on her face after receiving a toy package delivery from Colel Chabad

wednesday, October 25, 3:30PM

A restaurant in Missouri is going kosher for one day in support of Israel. All proceeds will go to Colel Chabad to support the people of Israel. All donations will be matched by the owner of Novellus – up to $50,000.

The non-Jewish owner of Novellus, Bob Affholder, saw the news coverage of the attacks and war in Israel and couldn’t sit idly by. He reached out to his local Chabad rabbi, Rabbi Chaim Landa. Rabbi Landa helped him “kosherize” his restaurant and create a kosher menu for one evening. This event is sold out and taking place tonight! We’ll let you know how it goes.

wednesday, October 25, 1:45PM

Duffel bags arriving from all over the world. These bags are filled to the brim with clothing, toys, toiletries, shoes, and anything else you can imagine.

Colel Chabad has been on the receiving end of some of these bags. As we go through them and sort the items, we feel so inspired by Am Yisrael.

wednesday, October 25, 12:30PM

The teachers of the Colel Chabad daycare center in Sderot wanted to see their students. The problem is that their students are now staying all over central Israel. No problem, they just decided to take a road trip.

They spent the day driving all over central Israel visiting with students (and their parents). It meant so much to the residents of Sderot. We truly are all family.

wednesday, October 25, 11:00AM

The vast amount of Chesed being done in Israel and the world over is what will carry us through this darkness.

With our Infustructure and partners, we are able to scale quickly and efficiently.

Tuesday, October 24, 1:15PM

Letters and toys ready to go out to  evacuated children.

Monday, October 23, 2:45PM

Thousands of meals ready to go out to families in need at PantryPackers.

Monday, October 223, 12:30PM

PantryPackers volunteers packing up meals.

Sunday, October 22, 3:30PM

Children in Ashdod receiving toys

Sunday, October 22, 2:30PM

Meals ready to go out to Families all over Israel

Sunday, October 22, 11:00AM

Coel Chabad and Pantry packers partnered with WCKkitchen to distribute thousands of meals to families in need.

Thank you to Globalrabbi for liaising this important partnership.

Working together to help others. ❤️

Live from Kever Dovid HaMelech

Join Live from Kever Dovid HaMelech on Monday, 8 Cheshvon 11:00 am Israel Time 4:00 am ET (first day of Bahab)

Motzei Shabbos, October 21

Israel Financial News Site Calcalist reports on Colel Chabad gaining access to Beeri Print House to retrieve 70,000 cards for distribution.

Friday, October 20

Your contributions in action

Friday, October 20

Pantry Packers, Menachem Traxler talks about Colel Chabad & Pantry Packers efforts, these last two weeks.

Thursday, October 19

Colel Chabad hosted a free pop-up “shop” of new clothing in one of the hotels. This “shop” was open to all of the survivors who lost everything in the Hamas attacks. People were able to come and shop in a dignified way. They got to choose which clothing they wanted and leave with it in a brand-new shopping bag for free. This isn’t just about providing someone with clothing, it’s about maintaining their dignity as well.

Thursday, October 19

Volunteers spent hours at Pantry Packers packing special packages filled with toys and games. These packages will be sent to the children living in the South. We hope to bring a smile to these children’s faces!

Thursday, October 19

The story of Kibbutz Be’eri

Wednesday, October 18

Colel Chabad salutes the dedicatied social worker on the frontlines of serving Israel’s most valuable, now and always.

Wednesday, October 18

Emergency message from Rabbi Manis Friedman

Wednesday, October 18

Colel Chabad food cards

Tuesday, October 17, 11:00AM

Project Otfim, lit. Enveloping, 20,000 Israeli’s sending hugs to those effected through the Colel Chabad Eshel Card.

Sunday, October 15, 3:45PM

Care packages ready to go out to families in affected areas

Sunday, October 15, 1:00PM

Colel Chabad volunteers distributing toys and treats to children and familiesin a hotel in T’veria

Sunday, October 15, 11:00AM

Hear from one of our amazing Pantry Packers volunteers

Motzei Shabbat, October 14, 10:30PM

Israeli TV and Social Media personality Guy Lerer launched a crowdfunding campain from Israeli’s for Eshel Chabad (one of Colel Chabad’s Amutot in Israel. Tonight, his campaign passed 11,000 donors and 5 million Shekel.

Motzei Shabbat, October 14, 9:50PM

Colel Chabad volunteers bringing toys to young children in one of the hotels for the many families that their homes were destroyed and lost everything. (the adults got Eshel Cards).

Friday, October 13, 11:45AM

Assisting the IDF in sourcing 350,000 bottles of grape juice

Friday, October 13, 9:15AM

Additional cooked meals requested for Sunday morning, Sderot, 300, Netivot 1,400 Merchavim, 1,000 Ofakim 1,400

Thursday, October 12, 1:00PM

Pantry Packers volunteers packing care packages for families in need

Thursday, October 12, 12:15PM

Our Beis Finger residents hold a rally in support of the soldiers.

Wednesday October 11, 9:00PM

Update from Rabbi Bloy

Wednesday, October 11, 2:15PM

Our Get Chesed volunteers used their time off to visit elderly and homebound and holocaust survivors

Wednesday, October 11, 1:00AM

Food packing overnight at Pantry Packers in Yerushalayim.

Tuesday, October 10, 1:45 PM

food delivered to homes of those under lock down.

Tuesday, October 10, 7:45 AM

Ofakim Netivot and Ashkelon deliveries done

Tuesday, October 10, 2:20am

With many more elderly and Holocaust survivors frightened in shelters, Ashkelon requested an additional 1,000 meals.

Monday, Oct 9, 10:30 PM

A truckload of food headed to Elfakim was unable to make it sue to terrorist activity in the area

Monday, Oct 9, 1:00 PM

Three containers of children’s clothing are on standby for distribution later this week in central Israel for families that needed to flee their home.

Monday, Oct 9, 11:30 AM

The meals sourced from army base extras, is not available now, need to source food from catering.

Monday, Oct 9, 9:30 AM

Soup Kitchens in the affected area will be closed until further notice. – all meals must be home delivered – emergency response activated.

Monday, Oct 9, 7:05 AM

Food Security coordinator touched base are in with the small Kibutzim and Moshavim affected most, to come up with a meaningful plan to help those hit hardest.


Yizkor Donation

בַּעֲבוּר שֶׁבְּלִי נֶדֶר אֶתֵּן צְדָקָה