July 27, 2024

Let the sound of joy surround

We pray that in the spirit of Purim and “flipping things upside down,” every family in Israel will have their experiences of poverty changed into prosperity.

11 ways your donation brings Purim cheer to Israel’s neediest

Send Mishloach Manot to an IDF Soldier - $19

Matanot L'Evyonim for a needy reservist - $87

Purim BBQ on an IDF base - $3,600

Something Yum for the Yom Tov

The Blavatnik Food Bank will give out and refill thousands of food cards for “Matanas L’evyonim – gifts to the poor,” with a special focus on families affected by the attacks – new widows, widows, families of reserves and displaced families.

Armed to eat

Pantry Packers is preparing tens of thousands of mishloach manot for IDF soldiers.

Chesed Menachem Mendel

our special program for widows and orphans, will send a package to every family so they remember and feel the love of their Colel Chabad community – especially during the holidays, when loneliness tends to hit harder.

A souper celebration

United Soup Kitchens of Israel will host a festive Seudat Purim in each of the 23 Soup Kitchens, including decorations and envelopes of cash as Matanas L’evyonim for elderly Holocaust survivors.

Daycare centers

The Larisa Blavatnik daycare centers, including the Luxenberg center in Sderot, (First center that’s fully sheltered) will reopen right before Purim. The festivities planned for all children aim to restore calm and normalcy to both the young ones and their families.

A wheely good time

Meals on Wheels will deliver special Mishloach Manot and at-home Seudat Purim for thousands of homebound Holocaust survivors, many of whom are scared to leave their homes after October 7th

For the third time

Pininim – our unique program established by the Pinson family (Miami) for single mothers in Tzfat – will host a  Seudat Purim for the “whole community,” which is a welcoming way to host everyone in need. Everyone’s invited so single mothers don’t feel singled out yet again.

Home is where the holiday is

Gett Chesed volunteers will visit their elderly Holocaust survivor friends, bringing the fun and joy of the holiday right to their home.


Yizkor Donation

בַּעֲבוּר שֶׁבְּלִי נֶדֶר אֶתֵּן צְדָקָה