October 18, 2024

Over One Hundred Thousand People Still Displaced this Pesach

How does one extend the invitation “All who are hungry, let them come and eat” to those who have been displaced in their own land for half a year? Explore the significance of Passover and the importance of Maos Chitim in addressing this challenge.

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6 ways your donation brings Holiday cheer to Israel’s neediest

Public Seders

With 100,000 families still displaced, Colel Chabad will be organizing hundreds of additional public Seders throughout Israel this Pesach.

The National Food Security Project.

Colel Chabad provides support to needy families through monthly distributions and food card refills for purchases in Israeli supermarkets.

Soup Kitchens

Throughout Israel, 23 soup kitchens serve as the sole source of hot and nutritious meals for numerous poor and lonely individuals every day. This includes Pesach, ensuring that these people enjoy their meals with respect and dignity.

Chesed Menachem Mendel

During Yom Tov, each family, including young widows with young children, will receive the support they need, with additional funds provided to cover their Pesach expenses.

Clothing Vouchers

For the upcoming holiday, a new pair of shoes or a dress can make all the difference in a child’s joy and self-confidence. These vouchers will be directly mailed to needy families, redeemable at clothing stores throughout Israel.

Meals on Wheels

For the elderly throughout Israel who are homebound and unable to shop or prepare meals on their own, Chabad Colel will provide packed basic foods, delivered directly from our warehouse to their homes.


Yizkor Donation

בַּעֲבוּר שֶׁבְּלִי נֶדֶר אֶתֵּן צְדָקָה