July 27, 2024

Showing Loving Kindness Through Chesed Shel Emes

City Landscape

Everyone’s time on this Earth is finite, so no life should begin or end in the absence of love. That’s why the Jewish value of chesed shel emes, or true loving-kindness, is so significant. It’s a way to show compassion and care for those who have passed on, ensuring that their memory is honored and…

Hakarat Hatov: Noticing the Good and Doing Good

Two People Holding Hands

The world we live in today is chronically negative. From news coverage and conversations with friends to online content, it seems like everything prefers to focus on the bad. While there certainly is plenty, giving negativity a platform only makes things worse. That’s both a fact of life and a Jewish belief. In this article,…

How the Mitzvah of Shalom Bayit Makes Jewish Communities a Better Place

Woman with Two Children Volunteering at Pantry Packers

The sayings ‘happy wife, happy life’ and ‘happy spouse, happy house’ aren’t just popular because they rhyme. Both recognize a fact of life under Jewish principles – which we refer to in Hebrew as the mitzvah of shalom bayit. If you’re unfamiliar with the term, this article will serve as an introduction. Keep reading to…

How Arvut Hadadit and the Concept of Mutual Responsibility Inspire Jewish Charity

Women Volunteers Packing Food for Charity

The Jewish community wouldn’t be as large and strong as it is today without mutual responsibility. Arvut Hadadit, as it’s known in Hebrew, supports the beliefs of Judaism while driving the direction of philanthropic initiatives small and large. In this article, we explain what mutual responsibility means, where the concept comes from, and what it…

Mesirus Nefesh: The Mitzvah of Soul-Sacrifice for The Greater Good

Rebbe Giving Charitable Donation to Soldier

There’s a concept at the heart of Jewish communal life called Mesirus Nefesh (or Mesirat Nefesh, depending on pronunciation differences among communities). It’s intrinsic to both spiritual devotion and interpersonal relations in Judaism. The mitzvah of Mesirus Nefesh embodies the ethos of selflessness for the sake of others.  DONATE NOW What Does Mesirus Nefesh Mean?…

Hiddur Mitzvah and The Beautification of a Mitzvah

Beautiful Silver Menorah

Hiddur Mitzvah, or the beautification of a Mitzvah, goes beyond the everyday act of kindness. It’s an endeavor of love and devotion, elevating an already meaningful action to a higher level. In this article, we will explore some examples of how living a life led by hiddur mitzvah looks like, specifically in the context of…

The Importance of Pikuach Nefesh and the Sanctity of Human Life

Jewish Soldiers Taking a Group Photo

Throughout history, Jews have faced persecution and discrimination, often putting their lives at risk. Yet, despite these challenges, they have always held onto the belief that saving a human life takes precedence over any other religious or cultural practice. In this article, we discuss the concept of Pikuach Nefesh and explain how it is practiced…

Why and How Jews Celebrate Shavuot

Bar Mitzvah in Front of The Kotel

Jews celebrate Shavuot for several reasons and do so in many different ways. The late spring holiday’s significance to our culture is tied to both Biblical and agricultural history. In this article, we explain the meaning, history, and traditions of the Jewish holiday Shavuot, as well as its connection to philanthropic giving and tzedakah. DONATE…

What Does Lag BaOmer Mean to the Jewish Community?

People Riding Horses

Lag BaOmer is a short but important period within the Jewish calendar. It has only grown in significance over recent years, serving as a rare opportunity to step back and appreciate the strength and resolve of the Jewish community amidst times of uncertainty. In this article, we explain the origins of Lag BaOmer and how…

Cultivating Bitachon: A Path to Compassionate Giving

Group of Soldiers Talking to Each Other

The world we live in is known for its turmoil and angst. Yet, despite millennia of challenges, the Jewish people have weathered every storm. We have one thing to thank for that: a principle known as bitachon. This article explains the term, detailing both its literal meaning and greater significance to Jewish values.  DONATE NOW…


Yizkor Donation

בַּעֲבוּר שֶׁבְּלִי נֶדֶר אֶתֵּן צְדָקָה