July 25, 2024

Caring for Widows: A Guide to Meaningful Donation Opportunities

Widow Hugging Her Children

After celebrating the profound rite of passage that is marriage, no woman wants to imagine herself as a widow. But often bashert, G-d’s will, comes to pass and the unthinkable happens. 

As people of the faith, we rely on the acts of loving-kindness to sustain these most vulnerable community members during their darkest hours. For over two hundred years, Colel Chabad has led charitable giving by example and helped innumerable bereaved families.

Challenges Facing Jewish Widows 

While the experience of grief and loss each widow faces is unique, many of the issues they must deal with are similar. 

When Shivah has ended, the true challenges begin as widows struggle with grief, finance, and legal matters. Providing for and raising children can add to this, leaving many widows overwhelmed and in dire straights. Uncertainty and pride can likewise inhibit widows from reaching out to friends and family for help, which is where Jewish non-profit charity organizations step in

How to Support Jewish Widows with Colel Chabad

In the history of Jewish charities, there are many organizations in Israel that have made it their mission to provide widows with the support they need. Colel Chabad is known as the country’s largest and oldest charity and assists them with a broad range of resources. From counseling to programs in literacy, we equip widows with the tools to take control of their lives by learning new skills and becoming financially independent. 

Our initiatives also offer aid to orphans in different areas, from education to weddings. 

Chesed Menachem Mendel Orphan Intervention

Chesed Menachem Mendel Orphan Intervention is a pioneering Chabad initiative that offers one-on-one assistance, mentoring, and emotional resources to fatherless children to help them to thrive both socially and academically. It is one of the charities that help children and orphans realize their potential through a comprehensive strategy to ensure both academic and social success. 

Retreats for Widows

Colel Chabad recognizes the need for healing after a bereavement and facilitates respite for widows by hosting Retreats for Widows throughout Israel. These retreats are designed to provide emotional support, develop self-esteem, and foster a sense of belonging within a compassionate community of peers who can relate to their unique experiences.

Mass Bar & Bat Mitzvah for Orphans

Every Jewish child deserves to experience the right of passage of becoming a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, including orphans. Colel Chabad has prioritized this area of need by creating the Mass Bar & Bat Mitzvah for Orphans event.

It goes beyond just the need for basic necessities and provides orphans with the all-important social connection to their community and faith. 

Weddings for Orphan Brides and Grooms

One of the most time-honored mitzvahs, Hachnosas Kallah, becomes an essential obligation when orphans are in question. Colel Chabad is one of the few Israeli charitable organizations which not only recognizes this but has a dedicated program in place. With our Weddings for Orphan Brides and Grooms, disadvantaged youth can fulfill their dreams of matrimony. 

The Larissa Blavatnik Network of Daycare Centers

The Larissa Blavatnik Network of Daycare Centers currently operates 16 locations throughout Israel, serving nearly 1,000 children and their widowed mothers with reliable childcare when they need it most. 

Our centers provide a safe environment so that women can go out and work, pursue their education, or simply take some time to regroup and relax while knowing that their children are in good hands.

Make a Real Difference in the Lives of Widows and Orphans

In the Torah, there is a special emphasis placed on the care of widows and orphans. It is why Colel Chabad has made widows and orphans our #1 priority in our practice of Jewish philanthropy

Supporting widows and orphans through programs at Colel Chabad is also one of the best ways to donate to Jewish charities and make a tangible impact on future generations. Join us in this most worthy cause.


Yizkor Donation

בַּעֲבוּר שֶׁבְּלִי נֶדֶר אֶתֵּן צְדָקָה