July 25, 2024

How You Can Support the Role of Jewish Youth in Philanthropy

Elderly Person with Young Colel Chabad Volunteers

It’s a Jewish tradition to give back – and that starts from a young age. Colel Chabad’s Jewish youth philanthropy programs are the perfect way to introduce the concept of Tzedakah into your young one’s life.

The Importance of Philanthropy In the Jewish Faith at All Ages

Judaism is a religion of faith, tradition, and community. Its core practices are prescribed by the Torah, a sacred text believed to be given by God to Moses. Over the years, key figures have inspired us to interpret and act upon this book’s teachings by giving back to others in the forms of Tzedakah and Chesed (acts of loving kindness). Every Jew has a responsibility to give back to their community, regardless of age or social status.

Youth and Philanthropy In Judaism

The importance of Chesed and acts of loving kindness is instilled at a young age in the Jewish faith. Children are taught to give back from an early age through Tzedakah and Pushkah boxes – small charity boxes found in Jewish homes and synagogues.

As children grow into teenagers, they are encouraged to participate in volunteer work and fundraising for Jewish non-profit charity organizations. Combining group identity and philanthropy not only benefits those in need but also helps teenagers develop empathy, compassion, and a sense of responsibility towards others.

Why We Believe In Promoting Youth Philanthropy

Giving charity to the poor is a lifelong practice that must be established at an early age. The Eight Degrees of Giving show that not every contribution is the same, and so it’s in our communities’ collective best interest to ensure future generations understand how they can maximize the value of their philanthropy.

The Benefits We All Reap By Supporting Youth Philanthropy

The role of Jewish youth in philanthropy can’t be overstated. Young people have limitless potential to create change in their communities and the world. By teaching them about philanthropy and providing opportunities to engage in charitable acts, we are investing in the growth of a generation that is dedicated to making positive changes.

Jewish youth stand to intrinsically benefit through Jewish teen philanthropy programs, as well. It’s no secret that growing up can be a confusing and difficult time. Yet, it’s also an incredibly formative one with the potential to provide meaning and purpose. Getting young people involved with Israel charity organizations today establishes a respect for Jewish values and traditions that can last a lifetime.

How Colel Chabad Empowers Youth Philanthropy

Anyone can donate to Jewish charities and say they’ve done their part to support Israel. But at Colel Chabad, we recognize the additional power an intangible act of loving kindness can have on communities at large.

Our organization manages Jewish teen philanthropy programs designed to get everyday young people out, about, and making a difference. There’s no better way to fully understand Judaism’s core values than through Jewish experiential education that brings the Chabad philosophy into real-world context.

Jewish Teen Philanthropy Opportunities Made Easy

Jewish youth can get involved in philanthropy in a number of ways, from fundraising to choosing to donate to Jewish charities on a monthly basis. While there’s no single best way to give back, we believe young people create a significant amount of value by giving charity to the poor in the form of time. Signing up to volunteer with Colel Chabad’s Jewish youth philanthropy programs is easy and also a great way to make friends. 

Our non-profit charity organization has a long history of positively impacting communities by lending support to a range of worthy causes. This includes nutrition security, widows and orphans, medical care, childcare, and education. Special seasonal programs offer the chance for Jewish teens to participate in holiday gift drives and summer camps for those in need.

Searching for Jewish Organizations to Donate to? Look No Further Than Colel Chabad.

As the oldest Jewish charity of its kind, Colel Chabad is well-resourced and established enough to facilitate acts of loving kindness on a broad scale. Choosing to donate to Jewish charities like ours enables the delivery of countless critical programs.

While there are plenty of Jewish organizations to donate to, contributions made here have the biggest potential to make an impact.

Big Brother and Big Sister

Big Brother and Big Sister pairs at-risk children with mentors to foster strong social bonds that transcend life’s greatest challenges. 

Pantry Packers

Colel Chabad’s Pantry Packers program is one of Israel’s largest-scale initiatives against food security, feeding thousands of needy households every single year.

Gett Chesed

Gett Chesed is a unique project that tackles the issue of elder loneliness head-on connecting young volunteers with lonely seniors.

United Soup Kitchens

United Soup Kitchens provides warmth and a sense of community to impoverished individuals through its network of 22 free restaurants.

Jewish history stretches back millennia, but it all started somewhere. Youth represents all the good things our community can do when it rallies together. By supporting Jewish youth organizations, you do more than improve the lives of young people; you also secure a future for our traditions and beliefs.

Support Colel Chabad’s philanthropic endeavors by signing up for regular online donations today. 


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בַּעֲבוּר שֶׁבְּלִי נֶדֶר אֶתֵּן צְדָקָה