July 25, 2024

How to Choose the Best Jewish Charity to Donate to

A Woman and a Man Helping Serve Meals at a Jewish Charity

So, you want to make a difference. Acts of loving kindness are rare nowadays, and choosing to give to the poor – especially in Israel – is a noble and often forgotten action. But with so many Jewish organizations to donate to, it’s hard to settle on just one.

How can you ensure your dollars support Israel in the most meaningful way possible? The answer is simple: research.

How to Find the Best Jewish Charity to Give to

Although they’re all founded on the same faith and have similar values, no two Jewish non-profit charity organizations are the same. To make an impact and feel good about your donation, you’ll need to research each option before committing. Here’s what to look for:

  1. Look for Transparency and Accountability

You’ll want to evaluate the transparency and accountability of any philanthropic organization you give to, Jewish or not. Find out how the organization uses the funds they receive and exactly where your money goes.

  1. Find out their Mission Focus and Alignment

Before you donate, consider the organization’s mission, how it aligns with your Jewish philanthropy areas of interest, and how to incorporate Tzedakah. Take some time to familiarize yourself with the group’s work. 

Does the charity focus on providing necessities such as food, shelter and medical care? Or does it support a more specific cause like education or economic development? Israel is home to charities for children, charities that fight hunger, charities for poor individuals and widows, as well as charities that support children’s education

You might contribute to one of these causes or opt for a more general fund.

  1. Get to Know Their Values

The Jewish tradition of giving is grounded in respect, support, and hospitality. Look for an organization that demonstrates these values in its operations and work. It’s not just about money – it’s about serving others with care and dignity. The value of Chesed (kindness) and the teachings of Rabbi Meir Baal Haness should be at the heart of any Jewish charity you choose.

  1. Explore the Different Ways to Give

From Pushka boxes to online donations, there are many ways to donate to Jewish charities today. Think about how you want to give and determine the best means. Consider setting up a recurring donation or volunteering your time if money is tight.

  1. Learn About Their Mission and Impact

Take the time to learn about a charity and its impact on the community before donating. Read up on success stories, and research activities, and get to know more about the overall mission of the organization. You want to make sure you’re giving to Jewish non-profit charity organizations with a powerful impact of donation.

Colel Chabad: A Charity for Israel as a Whole

Giving is an important part of living a meaningful Jewish life. As Israel’s oldest charitable organization, Colel Chabad has assisted Jews in need since 1788. Whether providing medical services for those in need, feeding hungry families with our nutrition security program, helping Jewish widows and orphans, or helping immigrants adjust to life in Israel, Colel Chabad is devoted to creating a better future for Jewish people worldwide with our multi-action approach. Being a multi-action Jewish non-profit charity organization allows us to support actions that help more people in need. 

Giving Charity to the Poor Through Colel Chabad

The decision to donate to Israel is not one to be taken lightly. As a donor, it’s important to assess your own personal values and goals for donating, as well as the practical aspects of making an impact with your donation.

When considering how best to allocate your resources, remember that all donations have an impact. Even small amounts of money can make a difference in the lives of those in need. A Tzedakah donation doesn’t have to be large or expensive; it must come from the heart and be directed towards a worthwhile cause.

At Colel Chabad, the impact of your donation is magnified because it helps to secure funding for long-term initiatives that will benefit the Jewish community as a whole. We believe that performing an act of kindness can mean much more than simply giving to the poor – it can create a lasting ripple effect of good deeds.

Your contribution to Colel Chabad will go towards the continued sustenance of our beloved organization and its dedication to enriching the quality of life for Jews around the world. 

As Israel faces an unprecedented crisis of poverty, there has never been a more critical time to give. Help us ensure the well-being of those in need at home and abroad by donating to Israeli charities like Colel Chabad today.


Yizkor Donation

בַּעֲבוּר שֶׁבְּלִי נֶדֶר אֶתֵּן צְדָקָה