July 25, 2024

Purim 2024: Unraveling Traditions, History, and Acts of Kindness

Colel Chabad Purim Gift

The global Jewish community eagerly anticipates more than just a festive occasion this Purim 2024. Beyond a time for joyous gatherings and vibrant costumes, this holiday represents a period of reflection, charitable giving, and acts of kindness.

Rooted in Jewish history and from the narrative of the Book of Esther, the month of Purim commemorates the miraculous deliverance of the Jewish people. Saved from the brink of annihilation at the hands of Haman, a high-ranking official in the Achaemenid Empire during the 5th century BCE. 


What is Purim?

Purim, a Hebrew word meaning “lots,” is a Jewish holiday commemorating the miraculous salvation of the Jewish people. The tale unfolds within the Persian court, where the plans of Haman were thwarted by Mordecai and Queen Esther, leading what could have been a day of tragedy into a day of feasting and rejoicing for the Jewish community.

As the Scroll of Esther guides us, Purim is not merely a historical recollection but a lively celebration woven with traditions that echo through generations. The joyful exchange of mishloach manot, gifts of food and drink, symbolizes the interconnectedness of the community. 

Matanot la’evyonim, charitable donations to the poor, ensures that the celebration extends beyond individual joy to encompass the well-being of all. Promoting participants to get involved in learning how to support Jewish charities that help the poor is a great way to get involved. Later the seudat Purim, the celebratory meal, becomes a communal gathering where the spirit of unity is savored alongside delicious dishes.

The Meaning and Story of Purim

Purim holds profound significance as a testament to the enduring strength and resilience of the Jewish people. It serves as a reminder of the importance of standing up against oppression, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. Fostering a sense of community which is a big part of Jewish philanthropy and Tzedakah. The festival also highlights the role of divine providence in safeguarding the Jewish community.

Why is it Called Purim?

The name Purim is derived from the Persian word “pur,” meaning lots. Haman cast lots to determine the most auspicious day to carry out his wicked plan. However, through divine intervention, the lots turned in favor of the Jewish people, leading to their deliverance.

When is Purim Celebrated?

Purim is celebrated on the 14th day of Adar for most Jewish communities. In certain walled cities like Jerusalem, it is observed on the 15th day of Adar. This discrepancy originates from the historical practice of cities defending themselves against attackers, leading to a delay in the celebration for those within walled boundaries.

How is Purim Celebrated Today?

Contemporary Purim celebrations are a vibrant mix of traditions and customs. From reading the Megillah, also called the Book of Esther, to wearing costumes, participating in festive meals, and exchanging gifts, the holiday is a joyous occasion for families and communities. It is also customary to give to charity during this time, reflecting the spirit of charitable giving embedded in the Purim narrative.

Here Are Some Charitable Initiatives to Partake in Honour of Purim

As you embrace the spirit of Purim, consider making a charitable contribution to organizations like Colel Chabad. Your support will not only help Israel but also contribute to the continuity of Jewish traditions and values

When it comes to Jewish non-profit charity organizations, few stand as prominently as Colel Chabad. Inspired by the teachings of revered figures in the Chabad-Lubavitch movement, Colel Chabad has been a beacon of community support and kindness since 1788

One of the best ways to donate to Jewish charities is through one of the initiatives below. Colel Chabad stands out as a highly effective charitable organization globally, because a high percentage of each donated dollar directly benefits those in need

Nutrition Security

Much like mishloach manot, nutrition security provides monthly pantry packages to 10,800 households, ensuring that families facing economic challenges have access to essential food items. This initiative aligns with the spirit of Purim, emphasizing the importance of sharing gifts of food with those in need.

Widows and Orphans

This commitment to care for vulnerable members of the community echoes the timeless lessons of compassion embedded in the Purim story. Extend your support to widows and orphans giving matanot la’evyonim, through a comprehensive program covering the cost of necessities such as food, clothing, and other expenses. 

Medical Services

As medical services are important to all communities let’s recognize the importance of care and provide specialized assistance to those in need. Through fundraising efforts and charitable programs, we can work together to ensure that individuals facing health challenges receive the necessary care and support they need.


Colel Chabad’s dedication to the well-being of the community extends to childcare and children’s educational resources. By fostering a nurturing environment for the younger generation, the organization contributes to the continuity of Jewish traditions and values.

Help and Donate to Jewish Charities Today

As we celebrate the joyous occasion of Purim let us not forget the essence of the holiday – a time for compassion, charity, and acts of kindness. Inspired and established by the profound teachings of Chabad figures like Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi and the Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson, Colel Chabad stands as a testament to the enduring impact of charitable initiatives.

Supporting the mission of Colel Chabad through online donations is the best way to contribute to the well-being of Jewish communities in need. Whether it’s providing nutrition security, supporting widows and orphans, or ensuring access to medical care, your donation can make a significant difference. 

Help us continue this long legacy of giving, donate now.


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בַּעֲבוּר שֶׁבְּלִי נֶדֶר אֶתֵּן צְדָקָה