July 25, 2024

Empowering Charitable Giving In the Digital Age

iPhone Screen on App Store’s Search Bar Searching for Colel Chabad’s Pushka App

Charity is an act as old as time, but how we do it has certainly evolved. Once, the only way you could give to someone in need was in person – perhaps upon coming across homeless individuals on the street or donating items to a local charity. Today’s technology opens the door to a new era of philanthropic possibilities that we can make the most of.

Philanthropy In the Digital Age

The world we live in today may feel cold and disconnected at times, but the truth is, we have access to more resources and information than ever before. This includes the ability to use digital technology for charitable fundraising.

Charities have adapted to this new landscape by leveraging various digital tools and platforms such as social media, crowdfunding, and online donation portals. These technologies make it easier for Jewish non-profit charity organizations to reach a wider audience and collect donations from all over the world.

The best part is that there’s a channel for every demographic. We can reach out to youth via social campaigns on younger platforms while catching the attention of older donors on Facebook or LinkedIn. Websites serve as a general reference point everyone can access for more information.

Digital technology has also revolutionized the way charities collect donations; gone are the days of carrying around a donation box or mailing in checks. Now, donors can make contributions with just a few clicks on their phone or computer.

Why Charitable Fundraising Should Change with the Times

No matter how advanced it becomes, society will always need charitable giving. That’s especially true today. Our communities’ welfare depends on how effectively we can connect the every day act of kindness with Israeli families, friends, and loved ones. The only way forward is an approach that combines Jewish tradition with modern technology.

Websites and online fundraising platforms bridge a widening gap by not only facilitating online donations but also empowering people to find the best Jewish charity to give to when looking to make a difference. 

With just a few taps of a keyboard, we can now support an abundance of Israel charities, ranging from organizations that focus on providing charity to the poor and initiatives against hunger, to organizations that support orphaned children and children’s education programs, to organizations that provide healthcare to the most vulnerable, to groups for widows. The Eight Degrees of Giving may have been conceptualized long before the age of the computer, but technology has brought its potential to another level.

How Do Charities Use Digital Technology?

Digital non-profit fundraising efforts and online donations benefit both the givers and receivers in various ways.

Online Donations and Fundraisers

For those looking to make a difference, the convenience of giving online makes it easier than ever to support their chosen causes. With a few simple clicks, donors can research and donate to multiple Jewish charities, without the hassle of mailing checks or attending physical events.


From a generational perspective, online fundraising platforms open up charitable giving to an audience of younger and more tech-savvy individuals who may not be as engaged in traditional forms of giving or know how to sign up for nonprofit volunteering in their community. Youth philanthropy today is a big determinant of collective philanthropy tomorrow, so we must meet people where they are.

Benefits of Giving Online for the People

Technology makes it possible to help Israel in a matter of minutes and mouse clicks – but it isn’t easy for everyone. Realizing the full potential of charitable giving in the digital age will require us to embrace and address the challenges that come with it.

Transparency is the most important of them all. In a world where anyone can set up campaigns on online fundraising platforms, due diligence determines whether generous individuals donate to the poor in Israel or someone’s pocket. It’s important to thoroughly research the history of Jewish charities and the best ways to donate to them before sending any of your own money.

Colel Chabad: Download Pushka 2.0 Today

The concept of Tzedakah, as well as those of love and Chesed, transcends both time and innovation. Jewish charities in Israel like ours have a responsibility to uphold Chabad-Lubavitch principles and make sure they are not lost in the constantly changing landscape of philanthropy. That’s why we have not only adapted but excelled in utilizing technology to better serve those in need. You can get involved in a number of ways, from making monthly online donations through the Colel Chabad Pushka app to registering to volunteer.

Download the Pushka App:

Colel Chabad: An Israeli Charity You’ll Be Proud to Support

In a vast sea of Jewish organizations to choose from, Colel Chabad remains the most powerful place to put your dollar and heart. We believe in 100% transparency and our longstanding history of making an impact for the vulnerable in Israel speaks for itself. From providing hot meals to supporting single mothers and at-risk youth, Colel Chabad is on the front lines every day bringing the beliefs of Judaism to fruition. Don’t sit on the sidelines. Get involved and donate today. 


Yizkor Donation

בַּעֲבוּר שֶׁבְּלִי נֶדֶר אֶתֵּן צְדָקָה