July 24, 2024

The Importance of Community Service In Jewish Life

Women of the Jewish Community Cooking

Jewish history goes back millennia. The world today certainly doesn’t look like what it did in the beginning; over time, humanity has evolved to become bigger, busier, and more vulnerable than ever. Yet, the teachings of early transformative rebbes continue to guide and shape us, providing a source of wisdom and strength in the midst of an ever-changing world.

Those who volunteer with Jewish charities know this better than anyone. They witness the impact that these ancient teachings have on modern-day issues from poverty and hunger to disaster relief and social justice. Below, we shine a light on how our religion’s values pair so powerfully with community service, and what Colel Chabad is doing to help manifest both in the world.

Giving Is a Jewish Tradition

The concept of giving is deeply ingrained in Jewish culture. It is rooted in the belief that helping others and making a positive impact on society is an essential part of leading a meaningful and fulfilling life. Throughout history, Jews have been known for their acts of kindness and generosity towards others, both within their own community and beyond.

At the core of Jewish values is tikkun olam, or repairing the world. This idea encompasses not only acts of charity and social justice, but also taking care of our environment and promoting peace. It recognizes the responsibility of individuals to take action and make positive changes in the world at large.

The Importance of Community In Judaism

Community has played a big role in the Jewish people’s resilience and strength over the years. We support each other not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because we know it’s necessary for our survival and growth as a people.

“Kehillah,” which means community, emphasizes the importance of coming together as a collective unit. This community goes beyond immediate family or friends and extends to all members of the faith. Everyone will find themselves in need at some point in their life; it’s through the support of our community that we can overcome challenges and continue to thrive.

Colel Chabad’s Tradition of Volunteering and Making a Difference

It’s important to recognize that not all forms of philanthropy and Tzedakah are the same. The Eight Degrees of Giving lay out eight of the most meaningful ways they manifest, from volunteering with nonprofits to providing loans to those in need. Everyday Jews follow these prescriptions as a guiding light in their own charitable practices. Do one or do them all – our philosophy is that every act of giving matters.

As one of the most historically significant Jewish non-profit charity organizations in the world, Colel Chabad currently operates a large variety of non-profit programs that provide for the needs of disadvantaged individuals and families alike.

We offer Jewish community service opportunities to anyone and everyone looking to make a difference. Some of our most popular programs include:

Pantry Packers

The Pantry Packers initiative provides a unique and meaningful opportunity to volunteer by packing food hampers for those in need. Colel Chabad’s processing center distributes thousands of food parcels each month to families and individuals struggling with poverty. Pantry Packers’ large impact on the community is one of many reasons why we’re among the most prominent charities against hunger in Israel.

Elderly Help

It’s important for us to ensure that our elderly community members feel valued and cared for. Our Gett Chesed program pairs volunteers with elderly members of the community who may be isolated or in need.

Big Brother/Big Sister

The Big Brother/Big Sister program is all about mentoring and being a positive role model for at-risk youth. Volunteers are matched with a child and spend quality time together through various activities and outings.

Support for Widows 

There are few Jewish charities dedicated to widows in Israel. We recognize the fact that life goes on after a spouse passes away and that those left behind need support. Our Retreats for Widows offer assistance and companionship to widows of all ages, helping them navigate through their grief and move forward.

In addition to these specific programs, we also have various community work opportunities available throughout the year. These may include organizing events for holidays such as Passover or Hanukkah, helping with meal distributions during times of crisis, and participating in fundraising campaigns.

Maximizing the Power of Jewish Philanthropy to Help Israel

Colel Chabad is one of the best Jewish charities in Israel to donate to when looking to make an impact. The tenets of Judaism serve as both a guiding light and vision for our philanthropic work.

There are organizations all over Israel that help the poor, nonprofits for orphans, programs for children’s education, and Jewish charities that fight hunger. But we have a long history of wearing every hat, serving loving kindness and Chesed wherever, whenever, and however it’s needed most.

You can help us fulfill our vision for a better world in many ways – through volunteering, fundraising, or simply donating. Everyone has the ability to make a difference, and all forms of contribution, big or small, are greatly appreciated.

Don’t wait. Support the Jewish community through Colel Chabad today. 


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בַּעֲבוּר שֶׁבְּלִי נֶדֶר אֶתֵּן צְדָקָה