July 24, 2024

The Meaning of Tzedek In Judaism

Smiling Soldier Looking at the Camera

The value of justice is greatly underappreciated in today’s day and age. Corruption, inequality, and injustice all run rampant, and we see the effects first-hand. Jewish history is right to place a strong emphasis on Tzedek (justice) as an essential component of our faith. Keep reading to learn about the term’s meaning, its significance in Judaism, and how Tzedek can be kept alive and well within our community.

What Is Tzedek In Judaism?

Tzedek is a Hebrew word that translates to “justice” in English. But the concept goes far beyond just fair treatment and equal opportunities. Tzedek is seen as a fundamental value that encompasses morality and righteousness. It is about doing what is right and just, not only for ourselves but also for others in our community. Tzedek plays a crucial role in Jewish tradition and culture. It is deeply rooted in the Torah, which teaches us to treat others with fairness and compassion. Various mitzvot (commandments) also emphasize the importance of Tzedek, such as providing for those in need, seeking justice for the oppressed, and speaking out against wrongdoing.

Examples of Tzedek

Justice can be an elusive concept – difficult to define and even more challenging to achieve. Luckily, Jewish philanthropists have proven that there are plenty of ways to promote Tzedek through both individual acts of loving kindness and community-wide service. One example of promoting Tzedek is through the practice of Ma’aser Kesafim, or tithing one’s income for charitable purposes. This ancient tradition in Jewish law encourages individuals to set aside 10% of their earnings to support those in need. Prominent Chabad rebbes have long emphasized its importance, along with other forms of philanthropic giving and tzedakah, as a means of restoring balance and promoting an equal standard of living for all Jews. Another example of Tzedek in action is the work of organizations that help widows and other vulnerable groups within the Jewish community. Projects dedicated to children’s education represent a similar goal of promoting Tzedek and fostering a sense of communal responsibility. But opportunities to promote Tzedek and other Jewish values aren’t always glaring or large-scale. Our world is full of unfortunate circumstances that aren’t fair to the individuals who live them, and with so much focus on our own lives, it can be easy to overlook things as simple as Bikur Cholim. Hebrew for “visiting the sick,” this tradition rectifies the imbalance of those who are bedridden, recovering from illness or injury. A visit, phone call or even a letter can make all the difference to someone in need of comfort and support.

Jewish Values That Go Hand-In-Hand With Tzedek

The beliefs of Judaism encompass many forms of justice and compassion, all of which come together to inspire many of the cultural traditions our community is known for.

Hachnasat Orchim

A powerful mitzvah, Hachnasat Orchim is the act of welcoming guests into one’s home with warmth and generosity.

Kavod HaBriyot

Kavod HaBriyot refers to the respect and dignity given to all human beings, regardless of social status or background. Both this term and ‘Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh Bazeh‘ underscore what many Chabad leaders promote on a daily basis – that every Jewish soul is connected, with each soul as crucial to the survival of the nation as a whole.


Pe’ah (saving for the needy) serves as proof that the concept of protecting the poor is deeply rooted in Jewish history. In ancient times, farmers were commanded to leave a corner of their fields unharvested to provide for the poor and needy.


Meaning humility, anavah is essential in promoting justice as it requires individuals to recognize and value the perspectives of others.


The Hebrew term Bitachon refers to belief and trust in G-d. It inspires individuals to work towards a better future for themselves and their community.

Kiddush Hashem

Literally meaning “sanctification of G-d’s name,” Kiddush Hashem is the idea that one’s actions should reflect positively on their faith and community.

Tikkun Olam

Perhaps one of the most well-known Jewish values, Tikkun Olam translates to “repairing the world”. It encompasses the idea that it is our responsibility as human beings to actively work towards making the world a better place for all.

Olam Chesed Yibaneh

The phrase Olam Chesed Yibaneh comes from a prayer and translates to “I will build this world with love.” It serves as a reminder that kindness and compassion are essential in creating a just society.


Avodah means work or service, and in the context of Jewish values, it refers to both spiritual and physical labor. One can engage in Avodah through prayers and blessings, by signing up to volunteer for nonprofits that fight poverty, and by supporting local community food initiatives.

How Colel Chabad Brings the Value of Justice to Jewish Communities

Israel has a vast network of long-standing Jewish charities, spanning from organizations for orphaned children to nonprofits focused on developing community healthcare. Founded upon the principles of the Chabad movement, Colel Chabad maintains a 200-plus-year legacy of providing essential services that address all of Israel’s current needs. We’re a great place to donate because we’re dedicated to serving all members of the Jewish community, regardless of age, background, or religious observance. 100% of donations go towards making an impact in some way. Tzedek forms the foundation of many Colel Chabad programs – especially those that target welfare like Pantry Packers, Soup Kitchens, and Home Heating.

Keep Tzedek In Judaism Alive and Well

Getting involved with our Jewish non-profit organization is easy. You can sign up to volunteer or commit to online donations as little or as often as you’d like. Everyone who supports Colel Chabad is making a meaningful difference in our mission of social justice, and we want you to be part of it. Take the first step today.

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בַּעֲבוּר שֶׁבְּלִי נֶדֶר אֶתֵּן צְדָקָה